November 2, 2010

Robbed (NaBloPoMo Day 2)

It was Halloween over the weekend. I know you all know this. Since a bunch of the ML teachers live in the same vicinity as I do in the Development Zone (Kaifaqu) suburb of the city, a bunch of the ML families gather every year to trick-or-treat at the other ML homes in town. This year nearly 40 kids participated, so it was pretty nutty. A result of Halloween and actually having kids come by trick-or-treating is that there is often candy left over. This was the case with me. I had this mondo bag of glucose and gelatin based delights that were saying to me, "Feed us to your poor, starving students Mr. M! They will love you forever!"

Of course, this is true already. But I thought, "It sure won't hurt!"

With good intentions (and knowing of my weakness for bite-sized snackerals which are easily consumed on the couch), I packed the gigantic sack of deliciousness to school with me this a.m. with high hopes of inspiring some excellent, pre-midterm review. Class number one seemed to respond with tonnes of vim and vigour as I attempted to round up some potential cavity-ridden clients for the local dentists. I taught that class right before lunch, so I stealthily stashed the remaining duffel of delcious in the podium for about 40 minutes over the break, knowing I'd be back in the class before the end of lunch for my second English block of the day.

When I returned from my lunch break, I reached into the podium drawer and... NO CANDY. I looked everywhere for it and nothing. I even decided to stalk the entire floor of the building, but had no luck. I knew that I'd been the victim of the old candy swipe. I was choked. I proceeded to send emails to the school office trying to find out names of kids who spend their time in that class at lunch, to find out the homeroom teachers' name, and decided to send an email to the staff explaining that I'd been a heist victim. 

No one stepped forward. No one gave it back.

Just when a guy wants to share some cheer amongst his morose, half-comatose kids, a sticky-fingered bandit decides to ruin all the fun. I'd be a lot less angry if it was my own candy. But it was for my kids. Ya know? It's just not right.

Anywho, midterms run the next 3 days so I'm out of the classroom and in various offices marking papers, posting grades, and helping stragglers squeak by. Tomorrow I'll share my story about my recent less-than-stellar homemade haircut attempt. Also had another vball practice, so I'll update a story about that too, somewhat soon. Gotta keep some fodder for future posts! NaBlo is a marathon, not a sprint.


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