November 11, 2010


Firstly, Happy Pepero Day to all the Korean folk or anyone who is part of the Korean community. November 11th is a day to celebrate the person you have a crush on by giving them delicious snacks seen above. "Pocky" is the big brand I've been known to chow down on from time to time. So, buy some chocolatey, wafery, stick goodness and give your favourite crush a squeeze on this day. Korean holidays are both awesome and hilarious.

Secondly, Happy 11-11 day. For anyone who hasn't gone screaming and running from my ramblings after a year, congratulations... you are truly dedicated friends. Or I'm paying you. Regardless, I wrote about the slightly-related Chinese holiday of 11-11 when I first arrived here and my students wished me a "Happy Lonely Person's Day". It's a funny story. Check it out. If you choose to not go back in time, the Chinese version is a day which is supposed to be good luck for single people, since the 1-1-1-1 resembles individuals, which means that it's a good day to be single and on your own. For all of those single folk, good luck!

Finally, it's time for a pic or two for Movember. As many of you know, November has become a month for men around the world to grow "Mo"s (or moustaches for the uninitiated) as an awareness campaign for Prostate Cancer fundraising. Although I am not registered on the Movember Canada website, I have friends who are and I'm hoping to sign up this weekend if it's not too late. For now, though, you can contribute to my buddy Kevin in Victoria or my buddy Curt in Edmonton. Kate, these are for you! For the timebeing, here's a couple pics of my growth after 11 days.

From your favourite, globe-trotting Mo-Bro,


1 comment:

  1. That is disturbing. Thanks for the link to KMo's page - I gave him a donation so that he keeps it on. Oh my oh my those 'mo's are gross!!

    Do the people of china think you look like a dirty bus driver too?
