September 9, 2010

Too funny to not share

Last year, I did a small writing assignment with my grade 9 classes where they had to come up with environmentally-conscious superheros and write a story about it. As a joke, as we were brainstorming traits and listing examples of superheroes, I jokingly put "SuperMrak" on the board, and drew a guy on the board with a big "M" on his shirt. Having a pretty good relationship with my kids, a bunch of them thought this was funny and called me "SuperMrak" the rest of the year.

In my English classes recently, one of my old grade 9s who is now one of my English 10 students brought up my old moniker of SuperMrak as I polled the class on their favourite superheroes. Laughing, I thought I'd test out my relationship with my PE 11 boys. 

At the end of yesterday's class, after demonstrating my Ultimate Frisbee prowess and after showing up some of the basketball players earlier in the week (one lucky streak in shooting is all I needed), I brought the boys in to end the class like a team by putting their hands together in a circle. I said to them, "On three, we need to cheer something because this was an excellent class!" A few of the boys threw out lame ideas, so I said, "Okay! On three, we're gonna say 'SuperMrak!'" They laughed at this, I smiled and laughed along, and some groaned. But when I yelled, "1! 2! 3!", every one of my PE 11 boys shouted, "Super Mrak!!"

These are the priceless moments that make teaching worthwhile. We even did it again today! :) Maybe this is cocky or arrogant or over the top, but I don't care. Life is good.


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