September 19, 2010


10 things that I had to re-adjust to since coming back to China:

1) Chinese men smoking in urinal stalls beside me INSIDE a mall.
2) Chinese men smoking pretty much everywhere and, in an oblivious way, blowing smoke nearly into your mouth.
3) Watching parents hold their children over garbage cans, bushes or gutters so the kids can evacuate themselves, well, anywhere.
4) Realizing that the man driving my motorcycle "taxi" might not have a driver's license and might not be sober. These are harrowing 6 minute stints, my friends.
5) Realizing that taking a normal taxi into Dalian to go dancing at 10:30pm on a Saturday means I'm taking my life into my hands as the driver's speedometer nears 140kms and is winding through traffic like it's the F1 circuit.
6) Remembering that there's often 2 possible products you can receive when you ask: the legal and legit product, and a knockoff. The difference can be as simple as a holographic decal versus a photocopied decal that, to the uninitiated eye, would be totally unnoticeable. As long as you're dealing with reasonably honest people, though, the difference exists in the price.
7) Knowing that the foreigner population here is often negatively labelled because of idiotic (and sometimes really young) Russian tourists who assault women and assume that China has no rules or standards.
8) Understanding the foreigner community I live with/in is a VERY small place sometimes and is, in itself, a massive rumour mill and gossip factory. Word travels fast.
9) The idea the world at large can be an insanely small place when, in one day, you get a facebook message from an old schoolmate who knows two of your new coworkers and you learn that a current coworker happens to be close friends with a past teaching friend/acquaintance from the Okanagan. So weird.
10) That even with the small community around me, I'm with some of the most fantastic people in the world. And I live a charmed life amongst them.

Did I mention that I'm off to Shanghai for a week of holidays as of Sunday? Yup. Charmed. Life.