What you didn't know: I accepted the position.
I've been considering my reasons for coming to China quite a lot recently. The obvious reasons exist from my personal life and all that happened in the past few years, and I've been able to find some comfort and a community here. Others were professionally based... I hadn't been teaching for a year and came to the conclusion that I needed to get back into it some way, some how, if I wanted to pursue the career further. Financial reasons were also important, as I wasn't getting ahead in the "game" back home because of high living costs and lofty student loan bills. And finally, I wanted... no, I needed to be selfish. I needed to do something for myself that was mine alone and for me alone. I'd had the travel bug buried inside my brain since Europe in 2002 and now had a million different reasons why China was a good idea. So, I hopped on a plane. I wanted adventure, to get some more experience in the job that I spent thousands of dollars learning to do, and I wanted to stop spinning my tires in Canada. China was the answer to all of these things.
It has been awesome having the support of my friends (who suggested the job in the first place) since arriving, and I probably would've gone bananas out here if it weren't for D & M. They have been my saving grace and still, to a big extent, retain that title. They're my escape on weekends, my own private booster club for any jobs at the school, and an endless amount of help and support no matter what the topic/issue/need.
But I rely on them too much. I partially wanted to come to China to reassert my independence after feeling like I lost that independence. I know they don't mind, but maybe this position in Tianjin is exactly what I need... something where I'm completely left to my own devices and I don't simply fall back on the help of these friends who have done a ridiculous amount for. Maybe it'll be something I have to fight for... to wrestle with... and to conquer on my own. Maybe next year will be the start of my real endeavour into an independent life.
Maybe I'm being melodramatic or exaggerating. Whatever the case, I have a job that's going to exponentially speed up my student loan repayment plan, finance more adventures through Asia, provide me with new teaching experiences with a new staff and new kids and new admin, and will give me a chance to solidify my sense of self after being so uncertain for the past few years. Other than my attachment to my life and world here, it might just be the answer that I'm looking for.
I'll be honest... if I'm offered a position here in Dalian, I plan to take it. But I don't need it. Five days ago I did. I was reluctant and frustrated and jaded about why everything doesn't work out the way I want. But I'm over that self-pity trip and am looking at this opportunity like the potentially amazing adventure it could be. Now that I've had a chance to stop wallowing in my own pity party, I know it would simply be convenient and enjoyable. Not necessary.
So whatever the next few weeks bring, I'm ready to take it on. "It matters not how straight the gate..."