December 20, 2009

The week of Christmas

I can't understand how Christmas has just crept up on me. I've been talking about it for weeks, I've been watching the movies, I've been listening to the songs and I've been shopping for the presents. I'm singing Christmas carols in my classes to prepare the grade sevens for Tuesday's Christmas concert. But still, in all this holiday preparation and indulgence, there's still a lot lacking in the yuletide season here... and now it's only 4 days away. CRAZY!

Don't get me wrong,... I'm really excited about the big Christmas dinner next Thursday, and opening the package from my family that has been whispering annoying taunts since receiving it almost a month ago. I'm happy that I have some great friends to celebrate with. But it's still a bit of a challenge, as it's the first Christmas I'll ever spend without family. Even though I didn't make it back to Alberta last year, I still had family from Victoria around me and was able to spend some time with the family of some friends, too. And experiencing this rough last eighteen months, it'll be strange not having a real Christmas over here. Even when seeing the Christmas stuff in store windows around town, it still doesn't feel like it's really that time of year.

I did, however, indulge in some retail therapy to help with this lack of Christmas cheer... I picked up a new hoodie at the local sportswear store (I've been ogling it for a couple of weeks since I first saw it) and decided to get it yesterday. I also picked up a few things for the family (which won't arrive until sometime in January... sorry!) and got some foodstuffs that I was missing at home. I also got kidnapped again yesterday afternoon by Darren. I called him to say a quick thanks for hooking me up with a great tailor in Dalian, and he happened to be in the same area of town as me. We met up and he convinced me that we needed to head back to Kaifaqu for some drinks and all-you-can-eat Japanese food that cost less than $10 Can. How can I turn such things down? I haven't had sushi in months, and even though it doesn't need to be uttered, I made up for that in my one sitting last night. Even dessert was included! Tempura bananas and ice cream? I'll take two, thanks! I was so hungry that I ordered one final spicy tuna roll AFTER dessert had been dropped off. What can I say? I was dedicated to the a.y.c.e. experience! I also cooked up a pretty awesome meal tonight of edam and pesto-stuffed chicken breasts accompanied by a sort of sauteed veggie combo of purple-fleshed sweet potatoes (I thought they were yams, but delicious nonetheless), bell peppers, broccoli with fresh garlic, oregano, some chicken stock and black pepper. Not bad for cuisine in a frying pan in China.

Other things missing from China that would help make an awesome Christmas: Peppermint tea/Mochas/chocolates/schnapps. The smell and taste of chocolate mixed with peppermint is a vital sensory experience for this season. However, can I find ANY peppermint tea in this whole city of 6 million? Nope. I'm sure it would help if I could read Mandarin, but you'd think that one supermarket would carry it or someone would know where to get it. But no. Not the case. And they don't have Peppermint Mochas at Starbucks, and there's no candy canes or After Eights to be found either. Terrible and sad state, I tell ya.

Alright... I have to do some Sunday night grading before I turn in. I hope you are all having a delightful transition from work to holiday play as Christmas nears. Happy Holidays from the real red state...


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