It's Sunday morning. The Christmas weekend is winding down, and we're just turning on the TV to stream the Montreal/Toronto as we have a bit of a lazy day before I return to the rural lands of Daheishi and Darren begins his Sunday marking load. I have a stack waiting for me at home, but for now, I'm completely ignoring the reality and just focussing on enjoying the remaining hours of the long weekend.
Christmas in China was a lot better than I expected. Not only did I fill my belly with plenty of turkey and ham and stuffing (oh my!), but we had a couple of great holiday outings both on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We even had a white Christmas (a mini-blizzard appeared Friday morning) and got to play/watch some pond hockey yesterday!
I got to Kaifaqu on Thursday night about 5:30, and got ready for our Christmas Eve outing. About 30 people arrived to share a monstrous turkey dinner at Damon and Shannon's, and followed it up with an awesome "Furry Christmas" gift exchange. The gift exchange was probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen and lasted for nearly two hours. My gut was sore all day Friday from the laughter. The food was great and it was a lot of fun to hang out and have a big get together. As there usually is in the late 20-early 30-something crowd, there was even an engagement announcement for a couple of the teachers who work at the high school with Darren and Mandy. The night was wrapped up with a couple games of Crokinole and some turkey-induced sleep.
Christmas day greeted us with a real mini-blizzard! I thought it was just really foggy or hazy when I woke up, but after putting on my glasses noticed the big fluffy snowflakes falling down! It was a great little surprise for my first China Christmas, especially since there's barely any snow here at all throughout the winter. After getting mobile, we spent the morning opening gifts, drinking coffee, watching The Grinch and going on Skype with our families. Darren and I braved the snow for a bit to get breakfast sundries, but after about 3 minutes the appeal of frolicking in the snow wore off and we dashed back to the apartment. D&M and I all received Vancouver 2010 Olympic mitts from our respective families, which was pretty awesome and totally unplanned. Thanks for all the stuff, Mom and Dad! The Timmy Ho's coffee will be well-enjoyed, as will the rest of the stuff. Maybe not the puppets, though. Don't ask.
After putting on our recently-purchased Christmas sweaters, I tagged along with D&M on Christmas day to Justin and Holly's (I got to meet these two fantastic people at a friend's wedding this summer) where we again spent the day watching classic playoff hockey games (1982 Chicago/Vancouver and 1986 Edmonton/Calgary), listening to Christmas tunes and filling our bellies yet again with all the food and drink our bellies could handle. It was a good way to relax on Christmas Day, and stayed warm while the icy wind blew outside. After about 8 hours of constant eating, we returned to D&M's apartment and wound down the night with some Wii (Darren's present to Mandy... and himself, methinks) before lights out.
Yesterday proved to be another relaxing day. The sun was shining and some of the boys from Darren's school were strapping on their skates down at the pond for some Boxing Day shinny. Although I've never been a skater, I tagged along to watch and show my graceful moves sans-skates. It only took me about 5 minutes before nearly cracking my head on the ice, so I went to the sidelines to take pictures and hang out with the "booster club". I haven't strapped on skates since 8th grade, so I wasn't feeling too confident about making an attempt without pads and a helmet. Maybe next year.
The rest of the day was low-key, and found us enjoying an awesome Thai curry, some more Wii, and Darren and I ended the night with a massage at the massage place attached to the main floor of his apartment.
And so, here we are on Sunday. It's going to be another quiet day of food, coffee, and I'll be heading back in the afternoon. Another 3 days of teaching this week before a New Years performance at the high school, and then we're off to Harbin for New Year's and the winter Ice Festival from Thursday night until Monday morning. I then teach Monday-Thursday, and two days after that I'm free to go on my vacation! I've already booked my Hong Kong flight, so I might try to change it and get out of Dalian 4 or 5 days earlier than planned. Freedom and adventure is on my doorstep. Hope you're all well back home.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, all. Lots of love from China.