December 5, 2010


Teaching PE sucks.

Okay, I should qualify that statement.

I love teaching PE. Or, at least most days I enjoy teaching it. It's a nice break from academic English, and you get to know the students in a new way which is different from the English classroom. 

But it's terrible when it's -2, the wind from the North is gusting up to 37km/hr, and the windchill feels like it's -10. And you're forced to teach 75 minutes of soccer down at the soccer pitch OUTSIDE near the icy waters of the Yellow Sea. In December. And you left your toque at home. The last 10 minutes were spent huddled in the storage room... thank goodness I needed to hand out some worksheets!

Things around these parts have been good but, as usual, super busy. We're only about 6 weeks away from winter vacation which I can't stop thinking about it. It's gonna be amazing. Kuala Lumpur is booked, then it'll Singapore before heading north to Chiang Mai and onto Laos and Cambodia. I'm ready to get my sweat on and go on more adventures.

The weekend featured our Mo-down Hoedown to celebrate the end of Movember and the end of the Moustache. It was fun and a good chance to get pics with all the guys who participated in the Mo-grow. Now that Monday has arrived, there are a bunch of fresh and young-looking faces to be seen amongst the teaching staff. I feel like I'm about 10 years younger and it seems as though the ladies are quite pleased (and relieved, maybe?) that the month is finally over. Next year I hope to make it even bigger and raise more cash, so beware, all! I also attended a free Christmas/holiday dinner with a bunch of friends, teachers and ex-pats from the area at a KaiFaQu hotel... it was pretty amazing, with sushi, turkey, a million other dishes, wine and entertainment. I'll hopefully post a few of the more entertaining pictures in the next few days.

I don't have a huge amount to report otherwise... I've finally started using my gym pass and I'm planning to be a buff stud by the spring, I'm busy with badminton club and sponsoring some of the debate events with the kids right now, and am getting ready for Christmas by sprucing up my apartment with lights and stockings and filling my computer with Christmas movies. Since it's officially December, I've allowed myself to be pulled into the Christmas vibe. If only Starbucks had their Peppermint Mochas in China. Things might be perfect!

For now, lunch calls. Lots of China love, as always, and thanks again to all those who helped me raise more than $200 for Movember! My one team raised nearly $1800! 


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