November 1, 2009

An excuse to be ridiculous

Halloween is fun time of festivities for kids of all ages. The trick or treating, pumpkin carving, the joy of dressing up like ghosts and goblins and fairy princesses allows children access to living out their imaginative dreams of being someone beyond just a child.

And it's a great excuse for adults to dress up and act like fools for a night.

There aren't too many holidays which excuse so much crazy, silly, juvenile behaviour from grown-ups. But since it's excused, I embraced it just a bit this year. After mulling over costume ideas that were far too complex to pull off, I finally decided that a tribute to Flashdance and Richard Simmons would suffice as a costume ridiculous enough to be hilarious, easy enough to pull off in a single hour of shopping, and cheap enough that I didn't have to break the bank to make it happen.

So without further ado... you can see a few of the pictures HERE. Enjoy!


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