December 31, 2011

New Years Eve is the future

As a group of us were shivering, laughing, and preparing to blast champagne corks into oblivion while watching fireworks light up the sky further down the beach, I sent a text to my sister and brother from the future. It was midnight in my far-off world and I was rolling into Twenty-Twelve. Thousands of kilometres away, these two dear siblings of mine were probably still sleeping or were just barely awake enough to be pouring themselves some much-needed java. I'd already had dinner, a night at the ballet (no, this is not a typo), an adventurous cab ride into the heart of Dalian's downtown before meeting some friends at a beach-side hangout for some holiday cheer. Their new year was still nearly a day away... this idea still makes me smile and laugh every time I think about it.

New Years this year was ridiculously excellent. I actually did attend a performance of Swan Lake (I am after all, a fount of culture and good taste) before heading into the city for more music and some dancing. And it's a bit strange... although I wasn't with a massive group of close friends and didn't have a big party to attend, it was one of the best new years outings I think I've ever had.

I haven't been writing too much lately, mainly because it's been a trying 6 weeks. Work has, at times, seemed endlessly frustrating, hours in the day have been lacking and I just haven't been in a mindset to share my bitterness with others. However, things started turning a corner around Christmas and I've been able to spend a tonne of time with all the awesome people here who help make my life overseas amazing. My good buddy WP cooked a turkey and MM hosted an open house for the ML folks. LA and JL hosted an ugly sweater party and our Wednesday Night FanDianWan (Restaurant Night) crew all went out for some delicious peking duck. I got spoiled by my family again (as per usual) with the presents they packed up and shipped over to me and I even found some time to just sit and enjoy the season. Even though we didn't get any holidays from work for Christmas, our final week of teaching before final exams is this coming week, and in exactly 15 days I will be boarding a flight to Beijing and another to the wonderfully hot world of Kuala Lumpur. I can't wait.

I'm spending this vacation touring Malaysia (I've been to KL a couple times and to the Cameron Highlands when my good buddy SP came through the continent). If I can find a good locale for it, I'm planning to do my diving certification, and I'm hoping to do some snorkeling/rock climbing/hiking as well. I guess it just depends on time and money. The rest of the time will be focussed on relaxing, eating, and staying cool in the tropics. A tough life, I know. How many people can say that they can finance an annual 5 week winter holiday to the fantastic lands of SE Asia and work more or less pays for it! Not too many, I'm sure.

Anyways, I won't bore everyone with the boring details of teaching and wearing 10 layers to battle the Siberian winds, so for now, I just want to wish you all a belated Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Festivus and I hope that the turning of 2012 allows everyone to find time with the most important people in their lives... through this, everything else is improved.

As I continue to pursue my own grand version of La Dolce Vita, much love from China, everyone.


December 14, 2011

Hilarious... it is the giving season, after all

My big brother pointed me in the direction of this video yesterday and I can't stop watching. It's absolutely hilarious (albeit a bit sad).



December 9, 2011

Oh, China.

It was about -5 yesterday. Wind blowing 50km/h. Am I back in Alberta? Ugh... moved to Van Isle for a reason all those years ago.

So, I'm walking out of my office today, Friday, moments before the bell is to ring to end the day. Classroom doors are beginning to open and I'm dodging boys on all sides, attempting to get down the four flights of stairs and out the campus gates so I can grab a taxi and get to the Qinggui (LRT).

A grade 10 steps out of a classroom and spits a big puddle on the floor in front of me. It wasn't juice. Or because of a joke. It happens to be one of my own students who I teach in both PE and English. A stare down takes place, me with a look of disgust on my face. I tell him to clean it up. He apologizes, although I point out that it seemed pretty natural and that he should NEVER do it again. After the cleaning, I walk on, not wanting to ruin my Friday.

Three days ago, I'm wrapping up my workout at the gym. I'm changing into my street clothes, zipping my bag, and exiting the locker room as I get a big whiff of what's coming from the showers. A guy, half naked, has a lit cigarette in his hand and is blowing smoke towards the lockers as he talks to his friends. I stop. A stare down takes place, me with a look of disgust on my face. I shake my head and just before I open my mouth to utter something impolite in Chinese, the locker room attendant sees what I see and tells the guy to butt out. I walk on, not wanting to ruin my post-gym buzz.

Did I ever tell the story about the guy who dropped his pants across the street from my apartment complex and proceeded to use the grass/treed area as a squat toilet? I won't recount it again, but let's just say he wasn't just having an open-air pee.

Oh, China. Wo ai ni.

The countdown to my winter vacation in Malaysia is on. Five weeks and three days until Kuala Lumpur.