Over the weekend, I was able to represent Canada (and an uber-small scale) in a volleyball tournament in Beijing with a few of the Jinshitan teachers. A couple of the guys played some college and university ball back home and were itching for some competition, so they found a tournament in Beijing after sending some emails to a couple different places. One of the guys gave me a call after hearing I played a bit and invited me along, so I hopped on the train on Friday night for the tourney.
It was a blast. I was rusty as I've ever been, but it was great to get out and play against some serious competition. One team had a bunch of players that used to play for China's national team, and a few other teams had former professional players on their teams. All 5'10" of me didn't really compete on an athletic scale with these dudes, but it was still a tonne of fun playing. Our record didn't show that, though...
We finished with 1 win. And 5 losses. And the team we beat had a bunch of high school students on it. But don't judge... those kids were good!
Considering the calibre of players, the record for the weekend wasn't totally surprising. Especially considering we had one guy who'd never played organized volleyball before. But when you have a good group of guys and we improved with every game, giving some really strong teams a run for their money. That, along with the fact that we had a big group head out for celebratory dinner on Saturday night to a great Mexican restaurant, made for a solid weekend. The legs are sure paying the price now, though, and my sleep debt wasn't exactly helped in any way.
Not too much else to report... just letting the days pass by. There might be a trip to Qingdao in the upcoming weeks for a stag, but otherwise survival is my first priority. And sleep. Sleep is good.